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Dictionary of the History of Ideas

Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas
5 occurrences of foundation city
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5 occurrences of foundation city
[Clear Hits]


R. Alpher and R. Herman, Reviews of Modern Physics,
22 (1950), 153. H. Bondi and T. Gold, Monthly Notices,
Royal Astronomical Society,
108 (1948), 252. R. H. Dicke,
P. J. E. Peebles, P. G. Roll, and D. T. Wilkinson, The
Astrophysical Journal,
142 (1965), 414. P. A. M. Dirac,
Proceedings of the Royal Astronomical Society, A, 165 (1938),
199. A. S. Eddington, The Expanding Universe (Cambridge,
1933); idem, Fundamental Theory (Cambridge, 1946). A.
Einstein, Sitzungsberichte der Preussische Akademische
142 (1917). A. Friedmann, Zeitschrift für
10 (1922), 377. G. Gamow, Physical Review, 70
(1946), 572; 74 (1948), 505. E. R. Harrison, Monthly Notices,
Royal Astronomical Society,
131 (1965), 1. F. Hoyle, Monthly
Notices, Royal Astronomical Society,
108 (1948), 372. M. L.
Humason, N. U. Mayall, and A. Sandage, The Astronomical
61 (1956), 97. J. Jeans, Astronomy and Cosmology
(Cambridge, 1928, reprint 1961). P. Jordan, Die Herkunft
der Sterne
(Stuttgart, 1947). G. Lemaître, Monthly Notices,
Royal Astronomical Society,
91 (1931), 490. W. H. McCrea
and G. C. McVittie, Monthly Notices, Royal Astronomical
92 (1931), 7. A. A. Michelson and E. M. Morley,
Philosophical Magazine, 190 (1887), 449. E. A. Milne, Rela-
tivity, Gravitation, and World Structure
(Oxford, 1935). C. G.
Neumann, Über das Newtonische Prinzip der Fernwirkung
(Leipzig, 1895). A. A. Penzias and R. W. Wilson, The Astro-
physical Journal,
142 (1965), 419. H. P. Robertson, The
Astrophysical Journal,
82 (1935), 284; 83 (1936), 187, 257.
A. Sandage, The Astrophysical Journal, 133 (1961), 335. H.
Seeliger, Astronomische Nachrichtungen, 137 (1895), 129. W.
de Sitter, Monthly Notices, Royal Astronomical Society, 78
(1917), 3. R. C. Tolman, Relativity, Thermodynamics, and
(Oxford, 1932). A. G. Walker, Proceedings of the
London Mathematical Society
(2), 42 (1936), 90. H. Weyl,
Physikalische Zeitschrift, 24 (1923), 230.


H. Bondi, Cosmology (Cambridge, 1961); Rival Theories of
(Oxford, 1960). P. Couderc, The Expansion of the
(London, 1952). G. Gamow, The Creation of the
(New York, 1952). E. Hubble, Realm of the Nebulae
(Oxford, 1961). G. C. McVittie, Fact and Theory in Cosmology
(New York, 1961). M. K. Munitz, ed., Theories of the Universe
(New York, 1957). D. Sciama, The Unity of the Universe
(Garden City, N.Y., 1961). J. Singh, Great Ideas and Theories
of Modern Cosmology
(London, 1961). W. de Sitter, Kosmos
(Cambridge, Mass., 1932). E. Teller, Physical Review, 73
(1948), 801.


[See also Cosmic Images; Cosmic Voyages; Cosmology from
Antiquity to 1850;
Infinity; Relativity; Space; Time.]