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Under His Shadow.


(Communion Hymn.)

‘I sat down under His shadow with great delight.’— Cant. ii. 3.
Sit down beneath His shadow,
And rest with great delight;
The faith that now beholds Him
Is pledge of future sight.
Our Master's love remember,
Exceeding great and free;
Lift up thy heart in gladness,
For He remembers thee.
Bring every weary burden,
Thy sin, thy fear, thy grief;
He calls the heavy laden,
And gives them kind relief.
His righteousness ‘all glorious’
Thy festal robe shall be;
And love that passeth knowledge
His banner over thee.
A little while, though parted,
Remember, wait, and love,
Until He comes in glory,
Until we meet above;


Till in the Father's kingdom
The heavenly feast is spread,
And we behold His beauty,
Whose blood for us was shed!