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Sec. 366. Slaughter houses—regulation of.

All slaughter houses, abattoirs or places where animals, such as
cattle, sheep and hogs are killed for the purpose of regular sale
to the citizens of this city, shall be so constructed and operated
as to comply with the following conditions:

a. Shall be supplied with an abundant supply of pure water;

b. Shall be provided with granolithic water-tight floors;

c. Shall be provided with fly screens on doors and windows so
as to prevent the ingress of flies;


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d. Such provision shall be made for the disposition of the offal,
blood, bones and hides as will be satisfactory to the Board of

e. Shall be kept in a cleanly and sanitary condition, and to this
end shall be disinfected at such intervals as may be necessary, or
as the Board of Health may require.

The owner or occupier of any such slaughter house or abattoir
failing to comply with any of the provisions of this section shall
be fined not less than $25 for each and every offense. Clauses
a, b and c of this section shall not take effect until sixty days
after the adoption of these ordinances.