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[Wretched in myself, I would]

Wretched in myself, I would
Come for happiness to Thee,
Find redemption in Thy blood,
Permanent tranquillity:
Jesus kind inviting Lord,
Thou art my substantial Rest:
Help me to believe Thy word,
Draw me burden'd to Thy breast.
Ere my weary eyes I close,
In that everlasting night
Bless me with the true repose,
Love's ineffable delight,
Love excluding sin and fear
With Thy precious Self impart;
In Thy garments dyed appear,
Show Thy wounds and break my heart.
Show my faith Thy hands and feet,
Point me to Thy streaming side;
Only love can love beget:
Lamb for rebels crucified,


Let Thy dying love constrain
My obduracy to yield,
Then I find my rest again,
Then I by Thy wounds am heal'd.
Gospel-faith on me bestow,
Faith Divine which works by love,
Then the pardoning God I know,
Taste the blessedness above,
'Stablish'd in my Lord, my Peace,
Triumphs then my meeken'd soul;
Never shall its triumphs cease
While eternal ages roll.