University of Virginia Library


[Greatest of the prophetic race]

Among them that are born of women, &c. —xi. 11.

Greatest of the prophetic race,
He saw the Lamb with ravish'd eyes,
Jehovah full of truth and grace
Acknowledged from the opening skies:
To Moses His back parts were show'd,
But John beheld the face of God.


He preach'd the' incarnate God come down,
He reach'd the dawn of gospel-day;
Removed before the blaze of noon,
Before the veil was cast away,
Before the Comforter was given,
Proof of our God return'd to heaven.
The least apostle of the Lamb
Greater than John by this appears,
We all the death of God proclaim;
Meanest of Jesus' messengers,
Even I set forth the Crucified,
The blood which all may feel applied.
By office greater far than John,
Sent on a greater embassy,
We make the Saviour's passion known,
Who captive leads captivity,
And from His Father's throne imparts
The spirit of glory to our hearts.