Divine poems Containing The History of Ionah. Ester. Iob. Sampson. Sions Sonets. Elegies. Written and newly augmented, by Fra: Quarles |
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Divine poems | ||
Eleg. 13.
No mortall power, nor supernall might,Not Lucifer, nor no infernall spright,
Nor all together joyn'd in one commission,
Can thinke or act, without divine permission;
Man wils, Heaven breathes successe, or not, upon it;
What good, what evill befals, but heaven hath done it?
Vpon his right hand, Health and Honors stand,
And flaming Scourges on the other hand:
Since then the States of good or evill depend
Vpon his will, (fond mortall) thou attend
Vpon his Wisdome; Why should living Dust
Complaine on Heaven, because that Heaven is just?
Divine poems | ||