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[A prisoner for religion's sake]

When John had heard in the prison the works, &c. —xi. 2.

A prisoner for religion's sake
Will cast his own concerns behind,
No thought for his own safety take,
No comfort but in Jesus find;
Will ask and long to see restored
The kingdom of his heavenly Lord.
The interests of his Master dear
The servant's mind and heart engross;
He only thinks of Jesus near,
His works, His people, and His cause,
Glad to decrease, that Christ may grow,
And all the true Messiah know.
The souls committed to his trust
He suffers not with him to stay,
But sends them all to Christ the Just,
The Lamb who bears their sins away;


Points to that one great Sacrifice,
Leaves them in Jesus' hands, and dies.


[Give me, Lord, if Thou art He]

Art Thou He that should come, &c. —xi. 3.

Give me, Lord, if Thou art He,
Deaf to hear, and blind to see,
Lame, to walk in all Thy ways,
Dead, to live the life of grace;
Bid my leprosy depart,
Preach Thyself into my heart,
Satisfied, when Thou art given,
I seek no more in earth or heaven.


[Jesus, Thou art the' Anointed One]

Jesus, Thou art the' Anointed One,
The Saviour sent for man to' atone
And bring us back to God:
Thou know'st I for no other look
Than Thee, who all my sins hast took,
And bought me with Thy blood.
Who camest self-emptied from the sky,
Sinners to save and sanctify,
My full salvation be,
My sickly, dying spirit heal,
And all Thy work in me fulfil,
And take me up to Thee.


[Jesus on us in this our day]

The blind receive their sight, and the lame walk. —xi. 5.

Jesus on us in this our day
Thyself the true Messiah prove,
Open our eyes to see the way
That leads us to the realms above,
Strengthen our souls to walk therein,
With even pace to persevere,
Till cleansed from nature's leprous sin,
We hear Thy voice, Be perfect here.


To all that life of righteousness
Dead sinners by Thy breath restore,
And still our poverty increase,
And still enrich the humble poor:
The gospel which Thou, Saviour, art,
The fulness of Thy grace unknown
Preach every moment to my heart,
Emptied and fill'd by Thee alone.


[Prepared by sacred poverty]

The poor have the gospel preached to them. —xi. 5.

Prepared by sacred poverty,
Jesus, the power of God in me
Unto salvation prove,
Preach to my troubled soul Thy peace,
Inspire with all Thy holiness,
With all Thy heavenly love.


[How mean He still on earth appears]

Blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in Me. —xi. 6.

How mean He still on earth appears,
How poor His slighted worshippers.
The world our humble Lord despise,
The rich, the great, the learn'd, and wise;
They hate the strictness of His laws,
They stumble at His bleeding cross,
To gain His kingdom in the sky,
Like Him they will not live and die.
O may I never, never be
Offended at Thy words, or Thee!
Jesus the loving faith impart,
And lo, I give Thee all my heart,
Thee boldly before men confess,
A sinner saved by richest grace,
And unto death obedient prove
The blessedness of faithful love.



[First our Lord vouchsafes to praise]

Jesus began to say . . . concerning John, What, &c. —xi. 7.

First our Lord vouchsafes to praise
His servant's constancy:
Every minister of grace
Should thus unshaken be,
Stand the shock of earth and hell,
Firm as anvil to the stroke,
Steadfast and immovable
As that Eternal Rock.


[Nothing of softness or excess]

What went ye out for to see? A man, &c. —xi. 8.

Nothing of softness or excess
Should in a preacher's life appear,
Nothing of ornament or dress
Becomes a gospel-messenger:
His life should as his doctrine be,
And simply plain his mission show,
That all the man of God may see
Dead to the world and all below.


[More than all the prophets old]

Yea, I say unto you, and more than a prophet. —xi. 9.

More than all the prophets old
Is Jesus' harbinger:
Jesus' coming they foretold,
The Baptist shows Him here,
Shows the Lamb that bears our load,
The all-atoning Sacrifice;
Shows Him while he lives to God,
And shows Him, while he dies.
Preachers of the gospel word
Should more than prophet be,
Point the hearers to their Lord,
And tell them, This is He!


Should, like John, retirement love,
The spirit of repentance breathe,
Firm through life, their zeal approve,
And faithful unto death.


[Who the high office can display]

Behold, I send My messenger [Gr. angel], &c. —xi. 10.

Who the high office can display
Of Jesus' gospel-messenger?
Sent to prepare his Saviour's way
Into the souls of all that hear,
The man should as an angel be
In knowledge, zeal, and purity.
O that the character were mine,
While active as seraphic flame
I spread that sacrifice Divine,
The presence of my Lord proclaim!
But He the stony must remove,
And bid the world believe and love.
Where'er Thou dost Thy servant send,
Jesus, the Power of God, be found,
Thyself vouchsafe my steps to' attend,
Thy sacred feet behind me sound,
And show to all the ransom'd race
Jehovah's glories in Thy face.


[Greatest of the prophetic race]

Among them that are born of women, &c. —xi. 11.

Greatest of the prophetic race,
He saw the Lamb with ravish'd eyes,
Jehovah full of truth and grace
Acknowledged from the opening skies:
To Moses His back parts were show'd,
But John beheld the face of God.


He preach'd the' incarnate God come down,
He reach'd the dawn of gospel-day;
Removed before the blaze of noon,
Before the veil was cast away,
Before the Comforter was given,
Proof of our God return'd to heaven.
The least apostle of the Lamb
Greater than John by this appears,
We all the death of God proclaim;
Meanest of Jesus' messengers,
Even I set forth the Crucified,
The blood which all may feel applied.
By office greater far than John,
Sent on a greater embassy,
We make the Saviour's passion known,
Who captive leads captivity,
And from His Father's throne imparts
The spirit of glory to our hearts.


[O might Thy powerful word]

The kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, &c. —xi. 12.

O might Thy powerful word
Inspire a feeble worm
To rush into Thy kingdom, Lord,
And take it as by storm!
O might we all improve
The grace already given,
To seize the crown of perfect love,
And scale the mount of heaven!


[Thus may I the kingdom seize]

Thus may I the kingdom seize,
Where my Lord erects His throne,
Peace, and joy, and righteousness
Find comprised in Christ alone;


Labour thus with violent strife
Till the power I apprehend,
Grasp the true eternal Life,
Keep my Saviour to the end.
Now the holy violence give,
Let me of Thy strength lay hold,
Bid my fearful soul believe,
Bid my faithful soul be bold,
Bold Thy deepest cup to take,
Following on to Calvary,
Bold to suffer for Thy sake,
Bold to lose my all for Thee.
Strengthen'd by Thy Spirit's word
Let this feeble dying worm
Rush into Thy kingdom Lord,
Take the promises by storm:
O might all Thy grace improve,
Conscious of their sins forgiven,
Seize the crown of perfect love,
Scale in death the mount of heaven!


[The God of truth, and power, and love]

He that hath ears to hear, let him hear. —xi. 15.

The God of truth, and power, and love,
Who bids us lend an ear,
Doth every obstacle remove,
And gives the grace to hear;
Our long-lost liberty restores,
Which we could ne'er regain,
And wills us then to use the powers
His death procured for man.
Sinners, by Jesus bought, obey
His universal call,
Who offers in your gospel-day
The hearing ear to all:


Made capable of faith, receive
The grace so freely given,
And hear, though dead, His voice, and live
On earth the life of heaven.


[With rigorous abstinence austere]

The Son of man came eating and drinking. —xi. 19.

With rigorous abstinence austere
We serve, while only led by fear;
But Jesus doth the yoke remove,
And shows the nobler way of love,
Instructs His blessings to employ,
And gives us all things to enjoy.


[The wise applaud; but all beside]

Wisdom is justified of her children. —xi. 19.

The wise applaud; but all beside
Condemn the wisdom from above;
It ever was by those decry'd
Who neither fear our God, nor love.


[Ye that of power and riches proud]

Thou, Capernaum, which art exalted, &c. —xi. 23.

Ye that of power and riches proud,
Above the race of mortals rise,
And scorn the low ignoble crowd,
And reign exalted to the skies,
Repent before the Judge appear,
Or read your fearful sentence here.
Ye gods of earth, expect to dwell
With fiends and spirits damn'd below,
To find your thrones prepared in hell,
Unless ye here your madness know,
Prostrate, condemn'd the Judge entreat,
And mercy find at Jesus' feet.


[Who will reject Thy richest grace]

It shall be more tolerable for . . . Sodom, &c. —xi. 24.

Who will reject Thy richest grace
Their own damnation seal,
And justly claim for their own place
The hottest place in hell.



[From the fools reputed wise]

Thou hast hid these things from the wise, &c. —xi. 25.

From the fools reputed wise
Justly, Lord, Thou hast conceal'd
Things Divine, which they despise,
Mysteries to babes reveal'd:
Father, me, even me convert,
Then the kingdom from above
Send into my childlike heart,
Peace, and joy, and righteous love.


[Sinners, in this great verity]

All things are delivered unto Me of My Father. —xi. 27.

Sinners, in this great verity
The science of salvation see!
Jehovah unto Christ alone,
His only co-eternal Son,
The whole disposing power hath given
Of all in earth, and all in heaven.
Absolute Lord, and Judge supreme,
All blessings are dispensed by Him;
The' economy of grace is His,
The ministry of glorious bliss,
And all which Christ from God receives
Received for man to man He gives.


[Jesus, the infinite I AM]

No man knoweth the Son, but the Father, &c. —xi. 27.

Jesus, the infinite I AM,
With God essentially the same,
With Him enthroned above all height,
As God of God, and Light of light,
Thou art by Thy great Father known,
From all eternity His Son.
Thou only dost the Father know,
And wilt to all Thy followers show,


Who cannot doubt Thy gracious will
His glorious Godhead to reveal:
Reveal Him now, if Thou art He,
And live, eternal Life, in me.


[Stupendous love of God Most High!]

Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy, &c. —xi. 28.

Stupendous love of God Most High!
He comes to meet us from the sky
In mildest majesty,
Full of unutterable grace
He calls the weary burden'd race,
Come all for help to Me.
Tired with the greatness of my way,
From Him I would no longer stray,
But rest in Jesus have,
Weary of sin, from sin would cease,
Weary of mine own righteousness,
And stoop myself to save.
Weary of passions unsubdued,
Weary of vows in vain renew'd,
Of forms without the power,
Of prayers, and hopes, complaints, and groans,
My fainting soul in silence owns
I can hold out no more.
Beneath this mountain-load of grief,
Of guilt and desperate unbelief,
Jesus, Thy creature see,
With all my nature's weight oppress'd,
I sink, I die, for want of rest,
Yet cannot come to Thee.
Mine utter helplessness I feel;
But Thou, who gavest the feeble will,
The' effectual grace supply:


Be Thou my strength, my light, my way,
And bid my soul the call obey,
And to Thy bosom fly.
Fulfil Thine own intense desire,
And now into my heart inspire
The power of faith and love;
Then Saviour, then to Thee I come,
And find on earth the life, the home,
The rest of saints above.


[Wretched in myself, I would]

Wretched in myself, I would
Come for happiness to Thee,
Find redemption in Thy blood,
Permanent tranquillity:
Jesus kind inviting Lord,
Thou art my substantial Rest:
Help me to believe Thy word,
Draw me burden'd to Thy breast.
Ere my weary eyes I close,
In that everlasting night
Bless me with the true repose,
Love's ineffable delight,
Love excluding sin and fear
With Thy precious Self impart;
In Thy garments dyed appear,
Show Thy wounds and break my heart.
Show my faith Thy hands and feet,
Point me to Thy streaming side;
Only love can love beget:
Lamb for rebels crucified,


Let Thy dying love constrain
My obduracy to yield,
Then I find my rest again,
Then I by Thy wounds am heal'd.
Gospel-faith on me bestow,
Faith Divine which works by love,
Then the pardoning God I know,
Taste the blessedness above,
'Stablish'd in my Lord, my Peace,
Triumphs then my meeken'd soul;
Never shall its triumphs cease
While eternal ages roll.


[Rest of my weary mind]

I will give you rest. —xi. 28.

Rest of my weary mind,
My burden'd spirit's ease
Coming to Thee I find:
But gasp in perfect peace
To live, of holiness possess'd,
To die into eternal rest.


[Lord, I fain would learn of Thee]

Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me, &c. —xi. 29.

Lord, I fain would learn of Thee
Meekness and humility;
In Thy gentleness of mind
In Thy lowliness of heart
Rest mine inmost soul shall find,
Rest that never can depart.


[When Thou the bond of sin hast broke]

When Thou the bond of sin hast broke,
Thine easy, light, and pleasant yoke
I cheerfully receive;


By the new, sacred load I bear
Disburden'd now from every care
Beneath Thy cross I live.
Redeem'd from passion's tyranny,
If Thou implant Thy mind in me,
If Thou Thy Spirit impart,
I learn the wisdom from above,
The meek simplicity of love,
Thy lowliness of heart.
Then, then the true repose I find
Of quiet humble souls reclined
On their Redeemer's breast,
Like them from my own actings cease,
And gain in Thee the perfect peace,
The everlasting rest.