University of Virginia Library

If, he be qualifi'd, as now some say
He is; and as (for ought I know) he may,
That will be then effected, which few thought
Could have here whilst they liv'd to pass been brought.
And, if to GOD, he reconciled be,
Why, not to men? Or, wherefore not to me,
Who, never was for self-respects to him
An Adversary, or, a friend to them
Who were his Enemies, for being so,
But, as he was, or seem'd to be, a Foe
To GOD and Justice? If, he be not such,
Why should I doubt his favour? Or, fear much
His wrath? For, doubtless, if he be upright,
He, then, in honest men will take delight;
Yea, peradventure, may have need of one
To do such services as I have done,
Without regarding greatly what men shall
Be pleased, or displeased therewithall;
And, if he be a Tyrant, I know why
He, will have greater cause to fear, than I.