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Page 361


Fall Term

Course  Subject  A  B  C 
24  Technical Economics 
670  Fuel and Oil Testing 
816  Machine Design 
866  Machine Design Drawing 
910  Direct Current Systems 
812 (Mach)  Kinematics 
833 (Aero)  Aerodynamics  (3)  (1) 
Total  13  10 

Winter Term

25  Technical Economics 
524  Graphic Statics 
574  Graphic Statics Drawing 
661  Structural Materials Testing 
911  Alternating Current Systems 
960  Electrical Laboratory 
531 (Mach)  Strength of Materials 
834 (Aero)  Advanced Aeronautics  (3)  (1) 
Total  14  14 

Spring Term

26  Technical Economics 
814  Non-ferrous Metallurgy 
912  Alternating Current Systems 
961  Electrical Laboratory 
819 (Mach)  Engineering Shop Practice 
869 (Mach)  Shop Practice Laboratory 
835 (Aero)  Airplane Structures  (3)  (1) 
885 (Aero)  Aeronautics Laboratory  (6)  (1) 
Total  13  10 

The courses marked (Mach) and (Aero) are taken respectively by those
students who elect the Machinery or Aeronautics Option in their fourth year,
other courses being common to both groups.

Inasmuch as the content of courses for fifth-year work in the four major
divisions is being changed and modified in several instances no attempt is made
in this catalogue to present the curricula. It is expected that all changes will
have been made in time to incorporate them in the next regular issue.