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or, A collection of poems. Written between the ages of twelve and seventeen, by J. H. L. Hunt ... Fourth Edition

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Pointed star of coming night,
Glitt'ring is thy western light!
Slowly from thy cloudy bed
Liftest thou thine unshorn head;
And, upon yon hills of chalk,
Stately is thy beamy walk!
Say what now beholds thine eye,
In the plains below that lie!
High the storm that howl'd before,
Listens to the torrent's roar:
Up the black rock, with circling waters lave,
Distant beats the sounding wave;
O'er the field on feeble wings
In drowsy hum the beetle sings.
Pointed Star, what sees thine eye
In the plains below that lie?


O'er thy lips of crimson hue
Spreads the smile; thou sink'st from view:
The curling waves, that round thee gently dash,
In murm'rings soft thy lovely tresses wash;
Farewell, still beams of thy fair eyes!
—Thou light of Ossian's soul arise!