University of Virginia Library

The king descended from the arrested car;
The monarch was forgotten in the man;
And, as a friend with friend familiar,
Swift to embrace that form divine, he ran,
And shook his calm preserver by the hand;
Then, turning coldly, he resumed the king,
And, pausing, spoke:—“But if an angel's wing
Had swept us from the abyss, and on the land
Placed us in safety, still we could have said
But this—that, everywhere, the royal head
Hath heavenly guardians. Man, what is thy name?”
My name is Joel.

Well, so let it be.
But not, perchance, the exile!—No?

The same.

No more an exile, then—I pardon thee.


Now, ask a boon, and on my royal word,
It shall be thine.

Let Enoch's flatter'd lord,
For once, hear truth. This is the boon I crave.

Who yet e'er lied to Baalath, and wore
His head a fortnight? The presumptuous slave!
Well, let us hear, what kings ne'er heard before,
That slaves are grateful. When?—e'en when thou wilt.