University of Virginia Library



One day, no matter where or when,
Except 'twas after some Hibernian revel,
For why? an Irishman is ready then
‘To play the Devil’—
A Pat, whose surname has escaped the Bards,
Agreed to play with Nick a game at Cards.
The stake, the same that the old Source of Sin
From German Faustus and his German cousins
Had won by dozens;
The only one in fact he cares a pin
To win.
By luck or roguery of course Old Nick Won ev'ry trick;
The score was full, the last turn-up had done it—
‘Your soul—I've won it!’
‘It's true for you I've lost that same,’
Said Pat a little hazy in his wits—
‘My soul is yours—but come, another game—
Double, or quits!’