University of Virginia Library



Ev'ry fairy's son come here!
In the bright moon's rounded sphere,
On the rippling waters clear,
We will trip the salted brine:
Let no gliding boat come near,
Or o'er-pass our line.
Half the world is ours to-night,
While the wheeling moon is bright;
Let no mortal come in sight,
We in depths of Ocean play;
Footing, Oh! in morrice light,
What no tongue may say.
O'er the sloping seas we go,
Where the silv'ry moon-beams flow,
West'ring to the pole; so! so!
Passing, like a fleeting dream:
For Aurora is our foe,
And her crystal team.


To the sleeping mermaid's bed,
To the bright moon's horned head,
In a moment we have sped,
Ere the porpus once can leap—
Foot it, Fairies, featly tread;
Let poor mortals sleep.
But behold! I see a sail,
Glancing on the waters pale,
Hark! I hear the sailors rail,
Mark! I see their light:
Hist! away! our wings prevail—
Fairies, now to flight!