University of Virginia Library



Within a dark sepulchral vault,
In death Spain's monarchs lay,
Around a lofty crucifix
In grand and dread array.
For twice ten years no step had waked
The hollow echoes there;
Upon its hinge no door had turned
To let in other air.
But lo! down yonder steps descends
A King with stifled breath:
That rapid flight of steps that kings
Descend not save in death.
The moving torches flickering high
His haggard face expose:
He comes to view the vault where soon
He shall himself repose.


Amid the tranquil dwellers there
He seeks for one beloved;
The wife whom death had, youthful still,
In beauty's pride removed.
Unchanged by death's all-changing hand,
In seeming sleep she lies;
While, oh! how changed the face of him
That stares with straining eyes!
A single moment thus he gazed
Upon her upturned face,
Then, raving and blaspheming, fled
In madness from the place.

Charles II. of Spain.