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Into the night, the odorous summer night,
I wander, driven of Love, whose breath of joy
Suffuses all the radiance of the sky
And dimness of the earth like slumber now.


O summer night, O scented summer night!
Where walks my Love—through what deep dells of peace?
Fill her with the rich ache of my desire,
Sandal her feet with speed to come to me.


The golden summer dusk broods in the boughs,
Between the starlight pale and glimmering lake;
The night's heart throbs, and with it throbs my own,
Through the wild-throbbing throat of nightingales.



O summer night, O blissful summer night,
Who feedest with thy love the heavenly flocks,
Kiss my fair Love, and feed her with my life,
Tell her my arms with thine are round her thrown!