University of Virginia Library



From bush to bush I followed her,
A bird that piped and flew beyond,
I saw the little branches stir,
I saw her shadow in the pond;
And still she lured me to the wood
With cunning notes so round and ripe;
I followed in a dreamy mood
This feathered Orpheus and her pipe.
We passed a slope where cowslips shook
Their yellow blossoms in the breeze;
We passed the shallows of the brook,
And reached the temple of the trees:


And still her music onward went
Through hazel-alleys, beechen groves,
Where doves with lulling voices sent
Soft salutations to their loves.
So down these verdant colonnades
I still pursued the woodland note,
O'er lawny islands of the glades
That echoed to the blackbird's throat.
And as I neared one bright expanse
A cool oasis clothed with green,
A perfume, sweeter than romance—
Than love that only might have been
Came, with a stripling breeze for aid,
To stay a moment, stay and pass;
Another step. I spied a maid,
Or goddess, sleeping in the grass.


Around her in an amber stream
There flowed the marvel of her hair,
The ransom for a world, the dream
To fill the morning with despair:
The pink of apple-bloom possessed
The virgin cheeks unkissed by man;
And round her throat the sun had pressed
To clasp it with his ring of tan:
Her lips, half-opened, had the light
Of cherries bathed by drops of rain;
Reproachless was the dome of white
Unblemished brow without a stain.
Then in my heart that love did cry
Which from my life shall never pass;
And bitterly I longed to lie
Beside her beauty in the grass.


The doves in spires of elm and oak
Cooed softly in the afternoon,
And sometimes from a bush there broke
A whitethroat's tenderness of tune.
The air was full of nameless joy!
And, daring all, I threw me down
As innocently as a boy
Beside her scented film of gown.
Now if some secret charm in her
Across my aching heart did sweep,
Some magic in her bosom's stir,
I know not—but I fell asleep,
And when the day, a patient bride,
Was parting from her love, the sun,
The girl, or goddess, from my side
Had gently risen, and was gone!