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Lyric Poems

Made in Imitation of the Italians. Of which, many are Translations From other Languages ... By Philip Ayres

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Another, of Petrarc,

On Laura's Death.

Oh Death! How has thy utmost Malice sped?
Thou hast Love's Kingdom quite impov'rished;
Cropt Beauty's Flower, put out our chiefest Light,
And one small Stone deprives us of her sight.
Our Joy's extinct, we're left in Discontent,
Stript of our Honour, and our Ornament:
But to her Fame thou ne're canst put an end,
Thy Power but o're her Body did extend.
For her pure Soul above is glorify'd
As brightest Star, she's there the Heaven's Pride:
And here her Vertuous Deeds shall never dye,
But be admir'd by all Posterity.
New Glorious Angel, thou that dwell'st above,
And with more powerful Charms attractest Love;
May'st thou be vanquish'd by my Piety,
As here thy Beauty triumph'd over me.