University of Virginia Library



In vain, false Charmer! every Grace
Embellishes your Mien;
In vain triumphing o'er your Face
Aurora's Blush is seen.
In vain, if with tyrannic Art,
False Modesty denies,
And cruel Lessons of your Heart
Still contradict your Eyes.


If your Beholders from afar
Must idly view your Charms,
'Tis but like gazing at a Star
Which tempts and mocks our Arms.
Oft on a Tree too tall for you
We see the blushing Rose,
Pray what avails its Tyrian Hue?
Uncropt it blooms and grows.
Thus in some lonely, absent Shade,
Pale Lillies beauteous bloom,
In Silence bud, in Silence fade,
And shed a vain Perfume.
Then, lovely Celia! learn betimes
To act a wiser part;
For Age will but increase your Crimes,
As 'twill increase my Smart.