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The Canons of Criticism and Glossary

Being A Supplement to Mr. Warburton's Edition of Shakespear ... The Sixth Edition, with Additions [with] The Trial of the Letter y, alias Y, and Sonnets [by Thomas Edwards]

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To the Reverend Mr. Harvy.
Harvy, dear Kinsman, who in prime of youth
(When Passions rule, or proud Ambition's call
Too oft misleads our heedless steps to fall
From the fair paths of Virtue, Peace, and Truth,)
For erring Souls touch'd with a generous ruth,
Did'st vow thy service to the God of All;
Anxious to rescue free the captive thrall
From the old Serpent's deadly poisonous tooth;
Great is the weight, important is the care,
Of that high office which thou made'st thy choice;
Be strong, be faithful therefore to thy best,
Nor pains, nor pray'ers, nor fair example spare;
So thou shalt hear at last that chearing voice,
“Well done, good Servant, enter into rest.”