University of Virginia Library

To his Brother in Law, William Gardiner of Whitchurch in Hereford-Shire.

The world hath mill'ons of obst'cles to let,
An honest man from paying of his debt:
But Love's a debt which surely might be paid
By all, without demand, and not delaid.
Love is a sum (me thinks) might soon be got,
He's a dishonest man that payes it not;
Yet in this age so many do dis-joyn;
Love seems as scarce as any other coyne,
But the debt's due, by Scripture 'tis attested,
Who denies to pay't will surely be arrested.
Now let you and I ere the


Serjeant come,

Of all we owe be sure to pay this sum.
I am your loving Brother, John Davis.