University of Virginia Library


Nobis natus in Pretium: Nobis datus in Prœmium.


Great God! I had beene nothing but for thee;
Thy all-creating power first made mee bee:
And yett, noe sooner had I gott
A being, but I straight forgott
That thou (Great God!) that thou had'st giuen itt mee.
My being somewhat I did spend
Onely, thy goodnesse to offend;
And, though chastis'd, yet ne'er would mend.


Christ! but for thee, I had remayned soe;
Thou didst redeeme mee, though I were thy foe.
And yett thou hadst noe sooner spilt
Thy blood, to wash away my guilt,
But my ingratitude I straight did show.
My chaynes thou kindly didst unloose;
My liberty I soone did loose;
And, to becomme a slaue, did choose.


Blest Spirit! (once agayne my soule to try)
Thou didst her cleanse, renew, and sanctify.
Scarce was she purged by thy flame,
But straight, more horrid, she became
Then, e're (blest Spirit!) thou didst her purify.
All the three persons now in uayne
Had try'de a peruerse soule to gayne,
Who was resolu'd on her owne bane.



Thus, though to saue mee God stroue eu'ry way,
To punishment I did my selfe betray.
I greeue for th'ill that I haue donne;
I weepe to see my selfe undonne;
But, in excuse, have not one word to say.
Yes (God!) since thou didst me create,
Then ransome, then sanctificate;
Saue what th'hast bought att such a rate!