University of Virginia Library

Sir,’ þai seyd, ‘we willen go
Al þine hest for to do.’
Now hij han her way y-nome,
To Arascoun þat ben y-come.
When þai of þe cite wist hem þare,
Oȝaines hem þai diȝt hem ȝare;
Hastiliche to armes þai ben y-go,
Kniȝtes and squiers wiþ hem also.
When þai wer al redi,
& wele y-diȝt in her parti,
Þe douke cleped Herhaud him to,
& swetely seyd to him þo:
‘Sir Herhaud, þou schalt afong
Four hundred kniȝtes wiȝt and strong
(Þou schalt ȝif þe first asaut
Opon þe Almaundes, sir Herhaud);
& þou, sir Gij, an hundred to þe
Of mi londe þat best be;
And ȝif þat Herhaud haue nede,
Him to help þatow spede,
& ichil com wiþouten delay
Wiþ al þe strengþe þat y may.
Togider wiþ hem we schul fiȝt,
& hem ouer-com þurch godes miȝt.