Songs of 3. 4. 5. and 6. parts | ||
Lord, in thine Anger doe no more reprooue me,Nor in thy Furie multiply my Sorrows;
For in my fleash I Feele thy fearfull Arrows:
Thy heauie hand doth vnto Goodnes mooue me.
Sick, in it selfe my Soule doth Sigh and Languish:
Because my Sins so Wholely ouercame mee,
Sorely afflicted, and all humbled am I;
And in my playnt, my hart Roars out for Anguish.
My Strength eu'n fail's me, and my Sight hath fled me,
And euery one Endeauours to vndoo mee,
But I as Deaf, the while with Dumbnes sped me.
In thee I hope (my God) Ah listen to me:
Ah, Leaue me not (thou that canst best bested me)
Thou my Saluation, and Comfort sole vnto me.
Songs of 3. 4. 5. and 6. parts | ||