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Love's Dialect

or; Poeticall Varieties; Digested Into a Miscelanie of various fancies. Composed by Tho. Iordan

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An Elegie and Epitaph on his Mistresse Fidelia.

An Elegie and Epitaph on his Mistresse Fidelia.

Patience (the great Physition of the minde)
Hath lost his Art, for no balme can he finde
To give me cure, there is no Patience left,
It is a vertue which the gods bereft.
With my Fidelia, and since shee is gone
What good is left me, but distraction;
Yet in her name I doe a vertue finde
Charmes all my senses, tells my raging minde
Shee hath but left the earth for heaven to try
What throne the Gods prepare for shee and I.
Which having done, I then shall heare from her
By that supreame commanding Harbinger,


That summons Princes, Queenes, religious Kings
To cast off earth and put on Cherub's wings:
My soule thus charmed into sweete content,
Ile waite, and write thus on her monument.