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When Diaclesian to the Throne up rose

He Maximinian for his Colleague chose
Then they Galerius Cesar'd for the East
Constantius too for France and Brittain West.
They gentle were; things prosperous went untill
At Rome they meet and tryumph; now comes ill
For Diaclesian gives Comand that he
Should as a god by all adored bee.
He's now the Brother of the Sun and Moon,
He saith: and doth, now he did thus presume,


Adorn his Shooes with Pretious Stones and gold
And make the people kiss his feet he would.
Apollo now out of an hollow Cave
A Curled Oracle of such sort gave.
He could not for the Righteous men speak true,
False Oracles forth did his Trevet shew,
His hair decayed because of them he said
Hence this blinde Emperour this query made,
Who are these Righteous Persons? Whereunto
Apollo's Priest repli'd, They're Christians, know.
This pleasd this Tyrants Palate; forthwith hee
New torments for them should invented Bee.
And his begining March gave way to, when
Before the Easter feast his Edict then
Came forth to pluck all Christian Temples down;
Which executed was in ery town
Upon the Feastivall, soon out he brings
Another which all Holy Scriptures flings
Into the fire which burnt in Market Streets.
Another then in shamefullwise out sweeps
All Christians out of Office Power also,
And common persons doth in Prison throw,
Unless they do Christs holy Cause abjure,
And unto Paganry subscribe impure.
Then out another came to imprison all
Church Officers; Pastors, and Elders fall
Under its Lash, Wracks, Frizlings of the Flesh
Dragd unto Altars and assoild afresh
With many Wiles and trialls; then the name
Of those dismisst, they slanderously defame.
These things did not one onely place obtain,
But did the face of all the Empire stain.
In Asia first these Tyrants rage did flame
Where John a noble man out boldly came
At Nicomedia when these Tyrants had
A Pillar with their Vile decree there clad,
Did pluck it off and openly it tare
To pieces though they in the City were,
For which he did a bitter death sustain
Yet with a Chearfull looks while life remains
Then came his tyranny to Princes brave
The Nobles of his Family and gave
Them drinke out of this bitter bitter cup,
First Peter whom he Whips with whips that cut
Untill his bones ly bare, then stript thus bare
He's hoisted up on high into the aire
But still abiding firmly in the faith
He all his gaping tender Woundes then hath
Filld up with salt and Vineger, yet hee
Is filld with joy under these torments, see,
Then on the Gridiron rosted with slow fires
Untill his blessed soule to Christ retires.


Then Came Dorotheus and Gorgonius out
Men of the Privy Chamber Vallient Stout
And Faithfull Christians of Great Place and said
Why Emperour is Peter thus assaid?
Why's that offence in him, the which here we
Do all Confess? We of his Judgment bee.
Which said the Tyrant takes them too in hand
And ---ats them almost so then up they're hangd.
There hapt a fire then in the Palace Hall,
Which being Cast on Christians out they fall
And them destroy. Anthimus bishop there
With a greate multitude beheaded were
Another Company they burn all down;
A third they whirry in the Sea and drown.
Irene, Eulampus, and Eulampia
Agape, Chiona, Anastasia,
Bound hand and foot unto a post set there
For Christs Choice name thus burnt to Ashes were.
These Cursed Edicts to a City came
Of Phrygia, and there they did proclaim
That all must worship Idols. But the Mayor
The Aldermen and Captain all declare
They Christians were, so were besieg'd in ire
City and Citizens all burn with fire.
In Arabrace nigh to Armenia
Eustratius Duke, Sheriff of Licia
Rebukt this rage, did openly profess
Himself a Christian, hence they bind, undress
And beate him bitterly, then parch him do
With fire the which they to his bowell show,
Then bast him too with salt and Vineger,
They scorch and mangle him with shells so far
That all his body seems a raw raw sore
Yet was by grace recoverd as before
Then was Convayed to Sebastia
And there they with Orestes burnt his Clay.
And at that Season was Eugenius
Slain with Aurentius and Mardarius
Mesopotamy too was filld with woe,
Where many were hung by their feet and so
Were smoothered with Smoke their heads hung in.
In Cappadocia they usd this thing
Mens legs were broke. Here dwelt a young man George
On whom their Venom malice they disgorge
He's prison'd, torn with iron hooks and burnd
With burning lime, stretcht out with Cords hard turnd
His hands, Feet, and his members cut off all
Then is beheaded, thus this George did fall.
Tyre tooke her Martyres and to Wild beast threw
Bares, Libbards, Lyons who for hunger slew
Those that them brought, but had no appetite
To touch the Martyre's nor them hurt or bite.
Hence out they take them and by Sword do slay
These Holy ones, and Cast them in the sea.


Five more they cast before a wild Bulls feet
Who is so fierce he tosseth those that meet
His horns as standing in the ring, doth tare
Them as he tosseth them into the aire,
And they are left for dead. They him provoke
With siering iron, he fomes all in a Smoake
Doth rend the Earth, doth fan the Aire, run round,
Doth breath out Death, yet from the Saints rebound
And will not touch them, God did him restrain,
Hence they are took and by the Sword are slayn.
In Tarsus in Cilicia Taratus
Is martyred, with Probe and Andronicus.
Sylvanus Gaza's bishop, thirty nine
More with him dy in Phenice mettall mine
Pamphillus Pillar of Cesaria's Church
Is martyrd now. And Gordius did lurch
His Enemies who once a Souldier came
Aloud out now his Faith showd in Christs name.
The Sheriff now enragd, him taunts and schooles,
Calls for his Scourge, Wheele, Wrack, tormenting tools,
To whom he said, t'will be my hindrance sure
If I for Christ much torments don't endure.
The Sheriff frets, commands he might have's share
Of all the torments that they did prepare.
In which this Gordius looks to heavens king,
And with the Prophet did these sayings sing,
“The Lord my helper is, I will not bee
“Afraid what any man can do to mee:
“I will not be affraid of any ill
“Because that thou, oh Lord, art with mee still.
Then did he blame those that's tormentors were,
If that they favour'd him at all while here.
The Sheriff then fell gugling him again
Christ to deny: but yet he pipt in vain.
In Scorn he said, you can't prefer in place
Such as are meet for heaven's place through grace.
Then he condemned is and as he to
Be burnt goes, some him hug yet urge him do
To spare himselfe he prayes them not to finde
Such trouble for his settled quiet minde.
Some do with tears entreat him to impart
Denying words but not deny in heart:
To whom he said man doth to righteousness
Believe in heart; and with this tongue Confess
Unto Salvation and with Chearfull Face
Whose Colour Changd not, did the fire embrace.


About the Eight of June the nineteenth yeare

Of Diaclesian, brave Procopius were
Beheaded first of all this solemn fray
That fell in Palestines Cesaria
Who when convert his Images of Gold
And Silver brake and gave them (as its told)
Unto the poore, was took and wrackt; and tore
Gor'd, stabd, and fired, beheaded as before.
About Novembers seventeenth the sword
Zachius and Alpheus who were scourgd,


Mangled with Razars, Wrackt and many dayes
And nights had lain in Stocks tormenting wayes
Whose legs were streatcht four holes asunder, here
Beheaded for Christs glorious Gospell Deare.


The following yeare Gaza thy Timothy

Here for Christs Name was burnt tormentously.
Agapius and Thecla made a prey
To savage beasts to rend, devour, and slay.
About the twenty second day (its plain)
Of March Agapius as yet not slaine
With Timolaus one of Pontus and
One Dyonisius a Tripolitan
And Romulus a Deacon of Christ flock
At thee Diospolis, an holy Stock,
Pausis and then two Alexanders came
Here and beheaded were for Christs sweet name.


The third year under Maximinus curst

The holy Apphianus, who (forth burst
Away first from his Pagan Father, who
Was Governour of Lycia) in love to
Gods holy Cause, and to Cesaria came,
And when the President Urban by name
Was sacrificing tooke him by the hand,
Gravely admonisht him to understand:
And not the true Gods leave to sacrifice
To Divells. But oh (now) what Cruelties
They treat him with. Like savage beasts, they rage,
Thrash him with stripes, his feet in stocks they stage
At distance great, the third day make their lash
His face, neck, bones, and inward bowells pass.
But when they saw his Faith still shine they swathe
His feet in oyled flax, then fire to't gave
Which ran all or'e his flesh, consum'd the same,
Pierc'd to the very marrow, dripping came
Like melted wax. Yet still he lives and shines
With Patience. Then they him, by new designs
After he three dayes more in prison lay
And holds his faith, they heave him in the Sea,
In which when they had sunk him suddenly
A mighty storm arose and noyse in th'Sky
Not onely ore the Sea, but land did make
An Earthquake; which did make the City shake.
The Sea tooke up the Martyres Corps, did lay
It at the Cities Gates that selfe same day,
Which was the fift of April, which sight
All of Cesaria saw; I witness write.
Edifius, Apphianus brother, who
Stocks, Fetters, Mine pits too did undergo
For Christ, went to the judge told him to's face
Of's Filthy wicked shamefull acts in place,
Was after many bitter torments cast
At Alexandria i'th'Sea at last.


About the time of Apphan's Tragedy,
They take young Ulpian of Tyre and ty
After most grievous Scourgings, with a Snake
And Cur dog in a raw ox hide, then take
And Cast him in the Sea in Cursed Spite
Because he would adhere to Christ his Light.


In yeare the fift the fift of April,

The Virgin Theodosia, young, came still
To visit those for Christ here at the bar
They take and scourge untill their lashes jar
Upon her bones through her pure milk white breasts,
And sunk i'th'Sea, while patience her possest.
Famous Domninus in the Faith expires,
Leaving his body in tyrannick fires.
Three more are sentenced to buckle, Just,
And fight each others till they leave their dust.
Auxentius grave and pious they display,
To Wild and Cruell beast to rend and slay,
And others, stout men grown, they geld and send
Into the Quarries there their strength to spend.


In year the Sixt an hundred wanting three

From Porphyris in Thebes convay'd must bee
Unto Firmillian the President
Of Palestine, who with them's discontent,
Because they will not Christ defie; Wherefore
He doth with bodkins out their right eyes bore,
Eye Apple, Lid and all; then seirs their holes
With red hot seiring iron, then out them toles
Saws off at knees with an hot burning Saw
Their Left legs; then them damns to mines by law.
And others then of Gaza thus are servd,
Who from their Lord Christ Jesus never swarvd.
Of whom one female took and scourge they do,
Then with lasht sides tide on a tree for show.
Whereat Valentia of Cesaria
Did to the Judge out of the throng thus say
How long dost wrack my sister cruelly?
He boyld in anger, doth upon her fly
Halls her to th'Altar there to sacrifice.
She shoulderd it, stampt on it, it defies,
Did over turn't, fire, Wood, and offring too.
Hence she and the other in the fire they threw
The same ninth day of August blessed Paul
Had to the Scaffold doth the Head small call:
For Leave to minde himselfe did of him crave
Which gain'd, then with a clear loud voice he strave
With God in prayre that's favour might befall
And Peace and Liberty to Christians all,
That Jew's and the Semaritans might fly
To God through Christ converted savingly.
That Nations all in Errour Wallowing
Might barked in Christ fold, be brought from Sin:


And for the Silly Croud that did him round
Yea for his Judge and Emperour yea found
A heart to pray for's Executioner
That this Vile hainous Crime of bloody war
Might not be laid unto their Charge, hence sprung
A leake of teares up in their Eyes that run.
All weep and sob: but he then on the block
His head laid meekly down; they off it chop.
Anthony and Zebinas a Choice pair
Of thine Eleutheropoliss now are
Beheaded with German the thirteenth day
Thus of November; Annathas they pay
With Scourges sadly through Cesaria,
Then burn alive. They wretchedly permit
The bodies dead no graves (although most fit)
But in a dolefull sight they scatter'd ly
About the town and in the fields, and by
The Wayes; here lies an head or skull, or Arm,
There lies a Trunck, back, Leg, Thigh bowells warm.
Some beasts or Swine, Dogs, Foules of heaven knaw
Some rotting ly, Oh! when will hard hearts thaw?
“And while this thing went thus, the skies most cleare
“The Pillars of the City did shed tears
“The Market place and street bedewd their Cheeks
“With trickling Tears at this sad sight they weep,
So that forthwith this rumour round did fly
The Earth now could not beare this Villany
Of these sad days, nor sensless stones i'th'wall:
But at this Wickedness do weeping fall.
About the fourteenth of December fell
At Ascalon by fire blown up by hell
One Ares, and by the beheading Toole
Elias, Promus too all of Christs Schoole
In Egypt who were taken as they went
Into Cicilia to visit Saints there sent
And Peter Apselam whom here behold,
Was tride by fire and found like most pure gold
With whom Asclepius burnd (a Marcionite)
'Bout January's thirteenth day down quite.
About now Februaries seventeenth day
Twelve martyred were here at Cesaria
Valens the Deacon of Jerusalem
A mighty man in scripture sufferd then
Paul too of Jamnia of precious fame
And five Egyptians took as back they came
From compan'ing the Martyres who were sent
To the Cicilian mine-pit-banishment
Who sorely scourgd some seemd as if they'd lost
The sense of feeling, afterwards it Cost
Them all their heads, Pomphilus that brave man
Was now beheaded by Firmillian


On whom when that the Judge his sentence gave
His pupill Porphyry aloud did Crave
His Masters Corps, and others when quite dead
That in their graves they might be buried.
Whereat the Judge when that he had him found
Most firmly in the Faith of Christ abound,
Did Charge the Scourge should pass unto the bones
And in his innard bowells. (Hearts like Stones!)
Which done and Porphyry as one that felt
No pain, not shrinking nor speake he in a pelt,
Chargd them to burn him in a slow slow fire,
Whereto in Philosophicall attire
His little Cloake on's shoulders in such wise
He went according to his former guise
And with a Cheerfull looks he did abide
The fire about him which he in each side
Suckt in by ery breath he fetcht, and when
It ceized on him strongly thus pray'd then
Thou Jesus, son of God, me help and aide.
Thus bravly he his life for Christ down laid.
Pamphilus this was made to understand
By one Choice Souldier of the Roman band
Seleucus nam'd who fatherly tooke Care
Of Martyres Orphans and their Widdows rare
An holy Christian, now he's tooke and led
Unto his judge, is judgd, and lost his head.
Theodulus a grave and Zealous man
(Yet of the house of Judge Firmilian)
A Sharer in Seleucus' fate is brought
To plead his case which they account all naught;
Before his master who more furious is
With him than others, is Condem'd for this
And firmly in his Saviours Cause did bide
And for him willingly was Crucifide.
Then Julian a Cappadocian
Of holy life a much inspired man,
With Gods own Spirit as he came along
Heard of these holy martyres and grew strong
And seing of their bodies on the ground
Embract and did salute them, hence he's found,
Brought to the judge, Condemn'd and burnd in th'fire,
Wherein tryumphantly he did expire.
Thus twelve brave Christian Champions in one day
The martyres Crown won in Cesaria.
Soon after Adrian and Eubulus
Came far to visit saints here, tooke were thus
Where after many torments they had born
Are thrown to Wild beast to be rent and torn
Then were beheaded, Adrian the fourth
And Ma*the seventh Eubulus up store'th
Whose blessed blood now up did lock the Doore
Of martyredom, Cesaria hath no more.



The seventh year that something ran more mild

The mettall mine pit martyres for a while,
Did flock together to attend Christs wayes
But then the President his peepholes layes:
Comes and disperses them to Cyprus some
Some bide in Palestine and some must come
To Libanus, be vext with toyling there
Then Peleus and Nilus that once were
Egyptian bishops, With a minister
And Patermythius of Singular


Respect for Christ are took and burnt because

They would not Christ neglect to tend their laws.
Others that were too old and Combersom
Are set at liberty their work being done
Mongst whom was John, th'Egyptian prompt Divine
That could not see but would Christ truth outline
Most gravely by the Scripture as if read.
Sylvanus too another pious head
Whom notwithstanding by a vile decree
With thirty nine more in one day must be
Beheaded last of all in Palestine
Brought up the reare of Martyres at the mine.