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38. [The Sheppherd Thirsis]
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38. [The Sheppherd Thirsis]

The sheppherd Thirsis long'd to die
Gazeing vpon the gratious eye
Of her whome he ador'd and lov'd,
When she, whome no less passion mov'd,
Thus said, O die not yet I pray
I'le dye with the if thou will stay.
The sheppherd then a while delayes
The hast he had to end his dayes,
And while thus Languishing he lyes,
Sucking sweete Nectar from her eyes,
The lovely Sheppherdess, who found
The harvest of her love att hand,
With trembling eyes, straight falls a crying
Die, die sweete heart, for I am dyeing.
The sheppherd then did straight reply,
Behold sweete heart with the I dye.
Thus did those lovers spend there breath
In such a sweete and deathless death,
That they to life reviv'd againe,
Againe to try deaths pleasant paine.