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Characters and Essayes

By Alexander Garden

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A world of Wealth, a Iewell good and great,
And to her Lord, a Kingdome, in Conceat:
An Heavenlie Blessing, and Mans Happinesse,
That nought, not Death, can minish, nor make lesse.
Her Husbands Iewell, and her Childrens Ioe:
Ever Vertues Friend, and ever Vices Foe.
Her Conversation, is solacious:
Her Count'nance graue, yet ever gracious.
Her Tongue is temprate, and her Eye is warie:
Her Carriage is kynde, yet chaste and charie.


Shee's gracefull graue, a Mirrour to her Mayds:
Her Beautie naturall, but Arte, but Ayds.
Shee with no Pomate paints her Face, nor fairds:
Nor doth not vse with Oyle to smooth't, and smeard,
To make it show before the Sunne, and shyne,
To helpe pure Nature, wrong the Worke Divyne.
But shee doth count it well, and best decor'd,
As fashion'd with the Finger of the LORD.
Shee's Mistres of her Passions, and her Tongue
To Reasons Girdle it is tyde, and hung.
Next Heaven, her House shee holds her chiefest Care,
And that her good Houswyfrie doth declare.
Shee goes not gadding, bot at Home shee dwells:
And when shee goes, shee goes on Tortoss Shells.
Shee in Apparell is, and cloathed cleanlie;
Not too magnificke, no, nor yet too meanlie.
Her Words are wyse, her Voyce is Musicall,
And all her Actions are Harmonicall.