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37. The first psalme.

Beatus vir.

Happie is hie / hes hald him fre
Frome folkis of defame;
Alwayis to fle / iniquite
And sait of syn and schame.
Bot hes his will / conforme vntill
The Lordis command and law,
Thame to fulfill / with purpoiss still
Boith day and nicht to knaw.
He sall haif brute / as tre on rute
Endlang the rever plantit;
To burge and schute / and sall gif frutt /
In tyme as God hes grantit.
Quhois leif and blaid / sall nevir faid /
Bot fragrant ay be flureist;
Quhois workis on braid / sall evir spraid
And richtously be nvreist.
Sall non be so / off nochtis no
Quhilk bene of cursit bind:
Bot thay sall go / lyk dust and stro
Bene vaneist with the wind.
Evill men lykwyiss / sall nocht arryiss
To judgement as the trust,
Nor thame that lyiss / in syne of[t] syiss
To counsale with the just.


For air and lait / the lord weill wait
The wayiss of vertewus men,
And every gait / of wicket stait
Sall perreiss owt of ken.

Gloria Patri

To fader gloir / be evirmoir,
To sone and haly spreit;
As wes afoir / now is in stoir,
And ay sal be, so be it.