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Poems of Alexander Montgomerie

And Other Pieces from Laing MS. No. 447: Supplementary Volume: Edited with Introduction, Appendices, Notes, and Glossary by George Stevenson

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Some men for suddane Joy do weip,
And some for sorrow sing,
Quhen þat þai ly in danger deip,
To putt away mur[n]ing.
Retenen þame tua, þis I begin,
being in Joy and pan,
In siching to lament my sin,
bott ȝitt reioce agane.


My sinfull lyf dois still incress,
My sorrow is þe mor;
Frome wiketnes I can nocht ceiss,
Wo is my hairtt þairfor.
Som tyme quhen I think to do wiell
And serue god nicht and day,
My wiecket natur dois rebell,
And leidis me astray.
As bonnd and capteue wnto sin,
Quhilk grewis me full soire,
This miserie I do liue In;
Wo is my hairtt þairfor.
In deid sumtyme I do repent,
And pardon dois obtene;
bott ȝitt, alace, Incontenentt,
I fall to sin agane.
My corrup nature is so ill,
Offending mor and more,
That I offend my lord god still;
Wo is my hairtt þairfor.
Wo is my hairt, wo is my mynd,
Wo is my saull and spritt,
That to my lord I am vnkynd,
In quhome I suld delytt.
Hes lowe alwayis I suld regerd,
Quhilk towarttis me was so peure;
bott I with sin do him reward,
Most vnkynd creature,


The best, þe bird, þe fiche, þe fowll,
Thair maker do obeay;
Bott I, þatt am ane leiffing saull,
Am far much worss þan þai.
For þai, according to þair kynd,
To serue him do nocht ceass;
Bott I, with sinffull hairtt and mynd,
Do daylie him displeiss.
Thes do I sore complene of sine,
And withe king david weip,
For I do ffeill my hairt within,
The wairthe of god full deip.
To hevene my eyis I dar nocht lift,
Aganest it I hawe trespast;
Nor In þe eirthe I find no scheift,
Nor succoure þat can lest.
Quhat sell I do? sell I dispair,
And frome my saweoure slyd?
Nay, god forbid, þair is na feir,
Sen chrest for me hes deid.
God became man and for ws men,
He died and rais again;
Hes merci greitt, we may se þan,
For ever dois remane.
Thairfoir my sinns will I confess,
To god and mur[n]ing mak,
Quha will forgeif þe same dowttles,
For his sonne Chrystis saik.


If sin In me god suld respect,
Than do I knaw full will,
hes Justice wald me sone rewers
To þe deip pitt of hell.
His glorius eyis can nocht abayd
the full and fillthe smuk,
quhairwith I am, on everie said,
Coweritt as with ane Clok.
Bott he in Chryst dois me behald,
In quhome he dois delytt;
And myn offences manifold,
throw him releiffitt quytt.
Reputting me amang the Just,
Forgeifing all my sun,
Thairfor my faithe, my houp, my trest,
Sell ever be In hem.
O Lord, Incress trew faithe In me,
Thy guid spritt to me geif,
Thatt I my grow in lowe to the,
And evir seik to leiff
In trew obedience of þai will,
And thankfullnes of hairtt;
And with þai graice so gaid me still,
Thatt [I] my newir depairtt
Frome thy trew[th], lord, and testement,
all þe dayis of my lyff;
nor frome þai Churche most Innocentt,
thy awin trew spous & wyf.


Bott frome þatt fillthie hour of rome,
Lord keip me ever more,
as gratiouslie as þow hes done,
thankis be to þe þairfor.
And sen thow hes of gudnes,
Forgevine all my sine,
Strenthe me þai trewthe for to confess,
And boldlie die þairin.
Thatt as I hawe confessitt þe,
Befor þe wickitt sortt,
Thow may in þai guid tyme knaw me,
to my Joy & confortt.
My Saull, returne vnto þai rest,
Thow artt will satisfeitt;
The lord hes grantit þai requist,
And nothing þe denayitt.
Prais be to god, þe Faþer of micht,
praiss be to þe, o Cryst,
praiss be to þe, Helie gost,
Thre in on most heist.