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Honoured with Pastorall Sonnets, Elegies, and amorous delights. VVhere-vnto is annexed, the tragicall complaynt of Elstred [by Thomas Lodge]

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Sonnet XXXIII.

Sonnet XXXIII.

When first sweet Phillis (whom I must adore)
Gan with her beauties blesse our wondring skie,
The sonne of Rhea, from their fatall store
Made all the Gods to grace her Maiestie.
Apollo first his golden rayes among,
Did forme the beauty of her bounteous eyes:
He grac't her with his sweet melodious song,
And made her subiect of his poesies.
The warriour Mars, bequeath'd her fierce disdaine,
Venus her smile, and Phœbe all her fayre,
Python his voyce, and Ceres all her graine,
The morne her lockes and fingers did repayre.
Young Loue, his bowe, and Thetis gaue her feete:
Clio her praise, Pallas her science sweete.