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Eglogs, Epytaphes, and Sonettes

Newly written by Barnabe Googe

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[Vnhappye tonge]

Vnhappye tonge,
why dydste thou not cōsent
When fyrst myne eyes
dyd vewe that Princely face,
To show good wyll,
that hart opprest than ment.
And whylst tyme was,
to sewe for present grace.
O fayntyng Hart,
why dydst thou then conceale?
Thyne inwarde Fyers,
that flamde in euery vayne,
Whan pytie and
gentlenes, were bent to heale.
Why dydst thou not,
declare thy ragyng payne?
When well thou mightst
haue moued her gentle mynde,
Why dydste thou than,
kepe backe thy wofull playn?
Thou knewste full well,
redres is hard to fynde,
Whan in thy owne
affayres, thy corage faynts.

But synce she is
gon, bewaile thy grief no moore
Synce thou thy selfe,
wart Causer of the Soore.