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The Musyque of the beautie of his Mistresse Diana. Composed by John Soowthern ... and dedicated to the right Honorable, Edward Deuer, Earle of Oxenford, &c

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An other.

[The heuens, death, and life? haue coniured my yll]

The heuens, death, and life? haue coniured my yll:
For death hath take away the breath of my sonne:
The heuens receue, and consent, that he hath donne:
And my life dooth keepe mee heere against my will.
But if our life be caus'de with moisture and heate.
I care neither for the death, the life, nor skyes:
For I'll sigh him warmth, and weat him with my eies:
(And thus I shall be thought a second Promët)
And as for life, let it doo me all despite:
For if it leaue me, I shall goe to my childe:
And it in the heuens, there is all my delyght.
And if I liue, my vertue is immortall.
“So that the heuens, death and life, when they doo all
“Their force: by sorrowfull vertue th'are beguild.