University of Virginia Library


Sonetto. 12.

[Liue long sweet byrde, that to encrease our ioy]

Liue long sweet byrde, that to encrease our ioy,
Made soleme pause, between thy chirping layes,
When stately brier shilded our anoye,
And sheltred vs from peeping Phebus rayes:
Sweet Philomel recorde not our delightes,
In Musick's sounde, but to the subtill ayre;
Least any should participate our spites,
Wrought by a sudden Cerberus repayre.
The pleasing sound our spirites did reuiue,
The sweet, sweet sent, refresh'd our yeilding sence,
The happy toutch, most to delight did striue,
But caytiffe dog did hynder our pretence.
Then happie Byrd farewell, that eas'd my paine,
Farewell sweet brier, till fortune smile againe.