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A worke in Ryme contayning an Enter-lude of Myndes, witnessing the Mans Fall from God and Christ. Set forth by HN, and by him newly porused and amended. Translated out of Base-almaynes into English [by Christopher Vitell?]

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They do almost all ; for Succour; vnder our Wings resort
For we two generally ; of all Men; are the Gouernours.
But therin Cosen am I, the cheefe of the Commishonours:
For verely I Good-thinking, the greatest swaye do beare.
Through Good-thinking I deceaue, Man and Woman eury wheare.
Many lay People, do beleeue the suttle Sleights I frame.
Thear-are olso many Learned ones,

Ier. 21.b. 27.a. 29.a. Eze. 1[illeg.].b.

that preache in my Name.

Thus am I ; among all Names; the Cheefest of Renowne.

O Good-thinking, thou shalt not so disgrace and put me downe
For I am the First borne, and ; before the; begunne.
When Man grew vnregarding, and by falling, was vndunne/
Did he com first, into Good-thinkings Hands?
The Man ; being plaest, in the Best of all Landes;
Became ; euen-theare; Unregarding, in his Thoughts/
And Disobeyed

Gen. 3. 1. Reg. 1[illeg.].

God/by setting his Woord at noughts:

Takeing on him, Knowledg, in steede of the liueing Ueritee.
Thus ; by vnregarding; first, the Man grew to Debillitee:
And fel alway from God, in his owne Knowledg, going-astraye
All this haue I myself brought forth, as heere in breefe I saye.
Euen thus did I gett Power, heer-at take thou no storne.
And so after thatt, wert thou ; Good-thinking; borne.
Therfore keepe thou silence, in clayming Superioritee.