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The Poetical Works of Sir William Alexander

Earl of Stirling: Edited by L. E. Kastner ... and H. B. Charlton

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Son. 17.
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Son. 17.

[I saw sixe gallant Nymphes, I saw but one]

I saw sixe gallant Nymphes, I saw but one,
One stain'd them all, one did them onely grace;
And with the shining of her beauteous face,
Gaue to the world new light when it had none.
Then when the god that guides the light was gone,
And ore the hils directed had his race,
A brighter farre then he supplide his place,
And lightned our horizon here anone.
The rest pale Moones were bettered by this Sunne,
They borrowed beames from her star-staining eyes:


Still when she sets her lights, their shining dies,
And at their opening is againe begun:
Phœbus all day I would be bard thy light,
For to be shin'd on by this Sunne at night.