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Entrance to a Sunday School.

Father in Heaven! my spirit ought
Thy blessing to implore,
Admitted where thy truths are taught,
And pious hearts adore.
Instruct my ignorance, I pray,
My wayward passions tame,
From every folly guard my way,
From every sin reclaim.
Each task with pleasure may I learn,
Each Scripture-lesson prize,
And grant thy wisdom to discern
Whate'er in darkness lies.
Short is the time we here may pass,
And life is transient too,
Like the brief flowret of the grass,
Or like the morning dew.
With trembling awe, thy power I see,
Thy boundless mercy sing,


Few words become a child like me
Before so great a King.
Teach me thy precepts to fulfil,
To trust a Savior's love,
To yield to thy most righteous will
And seek a home above.