University of Virginia Library


Where is our Freddy?—
Mischievous Fred!
Nurse wants to find him;
It 's time for bed.


Cook, in the kitchen,
Busy and hot,
Have you seen Freddy?
“No I have not.”
Jane, in the laundry,
Washing away,
Have you seen Freddy?
“No, not to-day.”
John, in the garden,
Weeding the flowers,
Have you seen Freddy?
“No; not for hours.”
Gracious! it 's bed-time.
Where can he be?
Come, shaggy Carlo,
Find him for me!
Search through the barn-yard,
Search here and there;
Search well through the stable,
Search everywhere.
Ah, search no longer;
Freddy is found—
In the gray pony's manger
Slumbering sound!