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[XVI. Bright visions of my sprightlier youthful days]
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[XVI. Bright visions of my sprightlier youthful days]

Bright visions of my sprightlier youthful days,
With sunny gleams of answering friendliness,
Thou brought'st me, maiden, in delightful ways,
In conversation, letters, frank address;
And these attractions did me so possess,
The moments all were thine, and thou in sight
By day's engagements, and in dreams by night.
Wished I the spell dissolved, or ever less?
Ne'er may advancing years remove one tint
From memory's tablet of that happy time;
And if thus tamely that romance I hint,
Forgive my poor endeavor in this rhyme,
Nor warrant give me now, my cherished friend,
To add the more, lest I the more offend.