University of Virginia Library



Go ye unto every nation,
Go before the even tide,
Go with joy and consolation,
Spread the gospel, far and wide!
Spread it far among the nation;
Give it to rich and poor;
Leave it at the scoffer's station,
Hang it on the heathen's door!
Hang the gospel on the highways,
As a guide post there to lead;
Write with plain and simple letters,
Though the footsman run, may read!
Go where sick, distressed, where dying;
Go where wealth and pomp display;
Where the wounded lying, dying;
Go before the close of day!
Go upon the dark deep ocean;
Where the sailors tempest tossed;
Tell how Christ in deep devotion,
Came to save the world, 't was lost!


Go where booms the deadly cannon,
Where the musketry doth roar;
Where the wounded soldiers' lying,
Fainting on the fields of gore!
Go within the walls of prison,
Where the criminals are lead;
Go before the sun hath risen,
Go before their hopes are fled!
Go until your steps shall falter,
Go and seek the lost to save;
Till the shroud your mission alter,
And you 're laid into the grave!