University of Virginia Library


Timex, found Thurs. night
after snowball fight outside Doble.
Sandy-924-3388 1-4 p.m.

Lost: 3″ × 6″ brown ring binder
notebook with medical Student's
notes. Need desperately. C.J.
Provan 973-4665.

Lost: One black leather wallet in
Tuttle dorm area. Reward if
returned. No questions. Contact
Mark Cummings, 241 Tuttle

Lost: light blue ski parka with
three shoulder patches.
Abercombie & Fitch label inside.
Call John 6-4263.

Lost: Gold mesh style hoop earring
Thursday between Student Affairs
and Lawn. If found please call

Lost: blue U.Va. 3 ring notebook.
Call 293-7041 ask for john.

Checkbook lost in vicinity of Mad
Bowl. If found please return to
owner, 302 Hancock.