University of Virginia Library

Davis And Merritt

Footballers Harrison Davis and
Kent Merritt could both do well if
they run. Since Spring practice
ended just three days ago, Mr.
Onesty is not sure whether they
will compete.

Davis should be a threat
especially in the hurdles, with a
chance in the shot put and the
discus. Merritt specializes in the

William and Mary has much
strength in the field events, as well
as the defending champions in the
880 and the mile. John Averette
won the half-mile last year, while
Howell Michael, who has broken
four minutes, is the defender in the
mile run.

Norfolk State should dominate
the sprints, as their 440 relay team
won at the prestigious Penn Relays
last weekend. Their top four
sprinters are all under 9.6 in the
100 and 21.9 in the 220.

Richmond's Carl Wood, a world
class hurdler, should dominate the
hurdles. He recently ran a 52.0 in
the intermediate hurdles.