University of Virginia Library


Membership interviews for
probationaries this week, 2-5 p.m.
Jefferson Hall.

IFC important meeting - all
representatives to discuss Fall
Rush-7:30-IFC office.

Actor Nicholas Kepros "Lunatics
and Lovers" A Shakespeare Recital,
8:30 402 Wilson Hall.

Young Voters for Peace-pledging
people to vote ONLY for Anti-war
candidates. Information in Student
Council office. Local coordinator

NEEDED: student volunteers for
multiple sclerosis fund drive on the
grounds (April 27-31) call ZBT -
295-8463 ANYTIME.

URHS Says "Ride the B&O capitol
limited while you can and enjoy
luxury travel."

Don't miss Ian and Sylvia in
Concert, Sat. May 1st 8 p.m.
University Hall