University of Virginia Library

Dying Honor

Dear Sir:

I am writing in protest to the
deteriorating tradition of honor at
the University. Recent events have
led me to believe that the Honor
Committee has not been fulfilling
its obligation as director and
enforcer of honorable sentiment at
the University.

Due to the seeming irrelevance
of gentlemanly (or womanly) honor
in our revolutionary student
generation, the Honor Committee
has been under constant pressure to
adjust its stance on our most
revered student institution. In
general the Honor System has for
the last 3 years been adjusting and
bending to pressures for
"relevance" beginning with the
unfortunate decision to allow lying
for know.

I view the recent example of
impotence on the part of the Honor
Committee as another giant stride
toward the eventual destruction of
the Honor System. How can a
system remain intact after ignoring
a blatant offense against the spirit
of honor which it hopes to uphold?
What is the worth of an Honor
System which excuses every human
weakness that flaunts its precepts?
How can respect for our Honor
System be maintained among the
student body if our Honor
Committee reacts to an obvious
challenge with irresolution and

Admittedly the Committee
should adjust to the times and not
remain completely stagnant in its
viewpoints. But I find it difficult to
believe that in three years time the
climate of student opinion has
degenerated from a faith in a viable
spirit of honor to an unconcerned
acceptance of glaring dishonor
stealing. Where is the evidence of
this dramatic shift in student

If the Honor Committee
continues to reverse itself on most
basic notions of honor and
dishonor, the long life of this noble
institution will quickly end.
Likewise, if student opposition to
these irresponsible acts in confined
to vague mutterings, such decisions
will remain as further precedents
for deteriorating honor.

There is no reason why bigness
or pressures for relevance should
destroy a very basic spirit of honor.
Everyone must voice his opinion on
the duty of the Committee and
these recent outrageous events if
honor is to remain a force in
University life.

Stuart F. Lewis
College 2.