University of Virginia Library


The University Guide Service will
hold 2nd Semester interviews Feb.
24, 25, and 26. From 2-5 p.m. at
Rotunda. Membership open to all

Student Council has a copy of Sen.
Metcalf's consumer bill for anyone

Students fox Hughes info. available
in S.C. office. 1st come, 1st served.

Any student interested in working
with a Model and Hobby Club on
Junior High School level - please
contact Madison Hall. 295-3032.

LAW WIVES: Model for fashion
show, try-outs: March 3 - 8:00 Law

Students wanting to work at Castle
9:30 - 3:00 Saturdays and 9:30 to
midnight Sundays should see Mrs.
Ordel 4th floor Newcomb.