University of Virginia Library


IEEE - Tuesday, Feb. 16 at 7:30
P.M. in AM126. Speaking will be
Dr. Allan Greenwood of GE on
"Research Opportunities in the
Electric Power Industry." All

Student Council meeting at 7 P.M.
Honor Comm. Rm. N.H. Open to
all. Folk Dancing 4A of N.H.
Instruction for Beginners at 8 P.M.

Impt. Sailing Assoc. Meet at 7 P.M.
in N.H. 4B Bring Dues.

Class Day Comm., Class of '71 meet
at 7:30 in rd floor Conf. Rm. of

On Feb. 16th Prof. Frederick
Richardson "The Social Behavior of
Monkeys and Apes" - Baboon
Oligarchies and the Rearing of
Young at 4:00 P.M. in Campbell
Hall Aud. — Classroom 108 - Open
to Public.

Pi Lambda Phi invites all to a rush
smoker at 8 P.M. - 004 Rugby Rd.