University of Virginia Library


Miller lays virtually every
woman in the film. According to a
friend who saw the film in New
York, these are by far the best
scenes. Unfortunately, the version
shown here has been considerably
cut and splices to ribbons. This is
all so ridiculous. The motion
picture industry established the
rating code to satisfy old women
who thought movies were
corrupting America. So, here we've
got the "X" yet the Puritans in
state boards still decide cuts must
be made. The film's tone is by no
means pornographic. If the director
wanted to use bush shots, why the
hell can't they be left in?

Despite this, the entire cast is
excellent. I've already mentioned
Torn's performance. His eyeing and
ogles are too funny for words. It's
quite possible that he is a good
actor, who (violins, please) "hasn't
found that perfect part." James
Callahan as the erratic Fillmore is
also very good and steals a few
scenes. All of the young lovelies are
also adept actresses, but I found the
performance of Magali Noel as the
Princess with clap most interesting.