University of Virginia Library



UVA SCUBA club will have a
meeting at 7:30 in Newcomb Hall
4B. A Hydrologist will speak on
"Pollution and Diving." Anyone
interested invited.

MEETING of Outing Club in
room 4C Newcomb Hall, 7:30.

PROF. R. Wellek of Yale will
speak on "A Map of European
Criticism in 1969" at 8 p.m. in the
South Meeting Room.

AIAA meeting at 7:30 in A&M
Aud. All members please attend.

MONTHLY meeting of Grad.
Wives in Arts and Sciences at 8 p.m.
in Wesley Foundation. Elections

OMICRON Delta Kappa will
have luncheon meeting at 1 p.m. in
room C of Newcomb Hall. Mr. E.
Crawford, Vice-President for Public
Affairs, will speak.

TITICUT Follies will be shown
at 5:45, 7:30 and 9:30 in Newcomb
ballroom. Fifty cents.


THURSDAY movie — "Zulu"
with Michael Caine. 7 and 9:15.
Seventy-five cents. Newcomb Hall.

GRAD, and Law YR's — general
elections meeting at 7:30 in Law
School C Room. Executive Board
meeting at 7 p.m.

NEW Democratic coalition —
caucus of delegates to the State
Convention at 7:30 in room 4B
Newcomb Hall. Transportation to
convention arranged.

MEETING of IFC President's
Council at 3 p.m. in Informal

COMPUTERS — the Advanced
Algol course this week will cover
more constructs of "Powerful Algol,"
Gilmer Hall room B-23 at 6

ALL STUDENTS interested in
Economics Honors program invited
to attend meeting of prospective
candidates at 7:30 in room 104
Rousch Hall.

TILKA meeting at 10 p.m. DKE


CHI PHI is pleased to announce
the following pledges: Robert
Gradle, Franklin Lakes, N.J.: David
Hollingsworth, Oxford, Ohio;
Michael Hudson, Arlington; Edward
Wandelt, Springfield; Robert Walters,
Chilhowie, Va.; Gamble Sisson,
Va. Beach; Albert McLean,
Memphis; James McLendon, Memphis;
James Powers, Richmond.

FIRST-YEAR Council meeting
April 13 at 6 p.m. in South Meeting
Room of Newcomb Hall. Representatives
must attend with advertising

ANYONE interested in traveling
abroad: the U. Union has info. on
some student hostels, reduced
flights within the continent, etc.
Come by between 9 and 5.

THERE ARE approx. 1200
candidates for undergrad. degrees
and only 381 have placed an order
for cap and gown. Have you placed

A VARIETY of materials relating
to student conferences are
available on the Student Council
bulletin board, Newcomb Hall.
Interested students should check

THE FOLLOWING organizations
must pick up their second
semester student activities allocations
at Student Govt. Office by 5
p.m. April 14: Commerce Council,
Extra Legal Forum, Mulholland
Society, Black Students for Freedom,
Legal Aid Society, and U.
Volunteer Service. Failure to pick
up checks by above time will result
in revocation of allocation.

HELP SAVE our environment,
work for Earth Day April 22. Your
help needed. Contact Al Strahler
296-8439 day, 296-4676 night,
before 10.

HOUSING applications for
1970-71 session are being taken in
the Assignment Office in basement
of Page House according to this
schedule: all prospective grad. students
and 4th and 5th year
upperclass undergrad. students —
April 6; all prospective 3rd year
upperclass undergrad. students —
April 7 and 8. All prospective 2nd
year upperclass undergrad. students
— April 9 and 10. Applications
must be accompanied by a $25
deposit and will be accepted by the
Assignment office between 8 and 4
only. Applications will not be
accepted before the day stated.

ARE YOU a novelist? Get
academic credit by coming to
Hollins conference on Creative
Writing and Cinema, June 15-27.
For details — Cabell 452 or Wilson

ENGINEERING students may
preregister through April 24. Preregistration
materials in room A-122
Thornton Hall from 2 to 5
p.m. Preregister early to obtain the
courses you desire.

VIEW needs students' assistance
in finding info. about various
pollution in C'ville area. Call John
Taylor at 295-2622.