The Cavalier daily Friday, February 6, 1970 | ||
Op ll 15,000 miles, still
on new car warranty, perfect
condition. Many options, must sell
immediately Dirt cheap. 295-3522.
Sony -2 stereo portable
cassette tape recorder. Excellent
condition, $130. Call 296-5235.
'63 Olds 98, power everything,
new tires, brakes, starter. $600 or
best offer. Call 295-2311 anytime.
th 3 watt stereo integrated.
Amplifier, mahogany cabinet
$75. Call 296-5340.
1970 Honda CB 350, 900 miles,
bike new. 3 months old, $700. Call
Beat initiation Ch'ville Jaycees
repeat famous sale of new and used
merchandise, clothing, small appliances,
etc. Sport shirts $0.25 and
up. Most donated by local merchants.
This Saturday, Feb. 7 at
228 W. Main, 7:30 a.m.-3 p.m.
Yamaha Classic guitar, fur lined
case, brand new. Must sell, leaving
for Europe. $100. Call 293-5639.
All those who advertise in this
column have signed a statement
that the facilities advertised are
ones in which any responsible
student of the University will be
allowed to reside, regardless of race,
color, religion, or national origin.
Room for rent near University.
First floor, private bath, 295-5567.
All 4th yearmen and grad.
students: Limited openings now
available for part-time work, with
earnings from $30-75 per week.
Work your own hours 973-4321,
Mr. Cox or Mr. Koepf.
Roommate wanted for second
semester, 2 blocks from Cabell Hall,
$45 includes all utilities, call
Will pay $30 for someone to
take over dorm contract. Dunglison
dorm. Call 295-7551.
Student or student wife to
babysit in my home on 15th St.
N.W. from 11:30 a.m.-4 p.m., for
two school-age children. Call after 5
p.m. 295-3612.
One or two roommates needed
for four-man Woodrow apt. Easy
terms, quiet, comfortable.
Regular soloist Christian
Science Church. Call Mrs. Smith
after 5, 293-9745.
Roommate wanted until June,
Modern luxury apt. $4625 plus
utilities. Call 293-7339.
Fourth-year man looking for
roommate 2nd semester, your own
bedroom, walking distance to U,
Omega watch in Alderman Library
during exams. reward. Call
293-4179 after 6 p.m.
Silver Parker "75" of sentimental
value, before semester
break. Call 295-6021.
7 seats left bus to Mardi Gras,
leaving today at 4 p.m. Return
Thursday, 12 Feb. at 7 a.m. Call
924-3391, $37.
WIDE LOAD — for bookings
call 293-3386.
Start the new year off right. $10
dinner meal tickets only $9 at
Zorba's Inn. McIntire Plaza.
296-8699, ABC on-off.
House trained elephants by the
New York Times, call 296-1743.
THEATRE WAGON's "The Undisciplined
Death of Freddie Hall"
8:30 Saturday Feb. 7 at Hotel
Albemarle, Comedy satires funerals,
education, Pinter, much
more. Reservations $2.50,
296-2969. Coming Feb. 14 "Bliss
Towers" and Feb. 21, 28 "Love is a
Daisy." Can arrange Friday thru
Summer in EUROPE - $199 if
you act now, June 11 to Sept. 3.
NYC to London round trip. Call
295-0344 ask for John Sundin.
Photographs for graduate school
applications, college applications,
ROTC. OCS, and so forth, One day
service, reasonably priced. Negatives
kept on file for future years.
Phone Gitchell's Studio 296-7558,
107 E. Main.
Chip or Greg: Call Mark
293-3211 about raincoat you left in
car on trip to Alexandria before
Attention Grad. Wives: Plan to
entertain? John 10 week course in
French cooking now. 973-4124.
Found: Student jacket left at
VPI game in U. Hall. Contact U.
Hall ticket office 3016.
The Cavalier daily Friday, February 6, 1970 | ||