The Cavalier daily Wednesday, February 4, 1970 | ||
TRYOUTS for Va. Players production
of Moliere's "The Miser"
will be held at 7:30 today and
tomorrow in Minor Hall Aud.
Auditions open to public.
GERMAN Dept. offering a noncredit
colloquium on Modern German
Theater from Brecht to We
Dr. H. Smith will be instructor.
Starts Wed. at 7 in CH 226. Tuition
LECTURE by C. Garside of
Rice U. on "Luther and the Two
Reformations," Gilmer Hall Aud. at
8 p.m.
OUTING Club meeting at 7:30
in room 4B, Newcomb Hall.
DEPT. of Romance Languages
announces establishment of course
in elementary Arabic, 2 credits,
given by A. Francis. Hours to be
arranged. Any student interested
meet with him in room 302 CH at
6:15 Wednesday.
ENGINEERING Council meeting
at 6:30 in room A-207 Thornton
COMPUTER Users: lecture in
room B-23 Gilmer.
CELTIC Art lecture with slides
by R. Cormier at 7 p.m., CH 210.
The Cavalier daily Wednesday, February 4, 1970 | ||