University of Virginia Library


A SELECTION team for Army
officer candidates will be here 24
and 25 Nov. Under this program
qualified graduates can enlist in
Army and be guaranteed attendance
at one of three officer
candidate schools. They will be in
Newcomb Hall.

schools of business administration
will interview prospective students
in Placement Office: Nov. 24,
Columbia U.; Dec. 4, Northwestern.

NEWSREEL is coming to the U.
Nov. 18-22. Educational films concerning
social and political issues.
Catalogues at RSU lit. table or
departmental offices. Contact T.
Doran, 293-7352 to schedule showings.

THE FOLLOWING law schools
will be interviewing prospective
students at Placement Office, 5
Minor Hall: Dec. 2, Columbia U.;
Dec. 9, Cornell U.

ATTENTION Washington
marchers: claim items left on bus
from D. Mathiowetz, 296-2542.

VA. PLAYERS workshop presents
two plays at 3:15 Sunday in
Minor Hall: "Escurial" and "The
Diary of Adam and Eve." Free to
students and faculty of the U.
General public sixty cents.

Conte is now open for entries.
Prizes are $50 for first, $25 for
second, $15 for third in categories
of poetry, short story, one-act play,
and photography (b&w and color).
All entries should be submitted to
the Univ. Union office, 4th floor of
Newcomb Hall. Deadline is Dec. 12.

HELP OTHERS by donating
your blood to the Red Cross. The
blood drive is Dec. 1 at Westminster
Church. You must sign up at
second floor of Newcomb Hall
11-1, or Madison Hall, day or
evening, before Nov. 25.

UPWARD BOUND volunteer
tutors: tutorials on Sat., Nov. 22 at
10:10 a.m. in 248 Cabell Hall.

interested in working with psychiatric
patients, at Western State
Hospital on Tuesday and Thursday
afternoons, call Madison Hall,

DEPT. of Music presents the
Reed Wasson Jazz Quartet to the
20th century music course Sat.,
Nov. 22 at 11 a.m. Cabell Hall Aud.

STUDENTS wishing to run for
Student Council or Judiciary
Comm. positions in fall '69 elections
must submit a -signature
petition by 3:30 Friday, Nov. 21.
At that time mandatory meeting of
all candidates will be held in
Student Council offices, 4th floor
of Newcomb Hall. Positions open
are: Council - college 4, arch. 1,
eng. 1, grad. a& 1, law 1, med 1.
Judiciary Comm. - college 3, arch
1, eng. 1, grad. a& 1, law 1, med.
1. Requirements for runners are:
Student Council - full time student
with 2 semesters in prospect,
cannot be on probation; Judiciary
Comm. - the same rules as above
and also undergrad. students must
have completed 3 semesters of
work toward degree and grad
students completed one semester of
work to be eligible to run.

NEW ART Jazz Quartet from
New York will appear in Cabell Hall
Auditorium Saturday at 8:15,
Tickets available at door for $1 for
students and $1.50 for public.